This book is about Astronomy and space, and all the important stuff in space. Such as supernovas and superclusters and the Hubble space telescope, this book goes through all. Such as the theory that the universe started with the Big Bang, and that blackholes can suck in light like some gigantic toilet, there is much intriguing knowledge in that book. It tells about all the planets in the solar system, then about moons, then about comets and asteroids, and so, so much more. Pluto being kicked out of the planet’s family, about the famous Halley's comet, and the stars in the galaxies and universes.
I felt surprised by this book. When I thought of space, it always ended with the solar system and the planets and the black holes and asteroid belts, not superclusters and telescopes and the start of time. I was also shocked that we see things in 3d, but the universe is actually made out of 4d. Height, width, length, and time. I am now anxious to discover more about space! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Words I don't know:
An ellipse is a closed curve that never makes it around to a circle.