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Book Review 2024/01/28


This book is about a young boy called Brian, with his trusty hatchet and windbreaker. When he was young, their parents divorced, so he was left alone, with his mother. As he single-handedly rides a plane to visit his father, the pilot suffers a minor issue dies, and leaves Brian to CRASH into a part of a forest. Brian, with all his instincts, manages to survive from a bear, a porcupine, and mosquitos. He progressively becomes more ancient civilizationish as he builds a spear, a bow, and a shelter, with an extra fire! (Spoilers: he survives)

I felt excitement reading this book because I have read this 2 times now, and I found a new moral. That you should never give up, to always annoyingly survive, like a cockroach. EWWW!

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