In this book, Niles and Miles have set up their secret summer headquarters in a cave within the Yawnee Valley Regional Park and Outdoor Recreational Area. Nearby, Josh Barkin, principal Barkin's son is a camp counselor at the Yawnee Valley Yelling and Push-Ups Camp. Josh runs Papa Company, where he whips his cadets, twins Splinters and Mudflap into shape. The pranks in the series are meant to be over the top, usually with very little consequences and are also meant to be light and fun. Niles and Miles do seem to follow a strict code of conduct and only direct their pranks at people who they feel deserve it. In this sequel, Josh claims to pull a prank when he encourages Splinter to put a rock on his head so Josh can imitate William Tell by throwing a stick to knock it off. When he misses, Josh wants to get credit for pulling off the best prank ever. It's apparent that Josh doesn't understand that pranks aren't meant to be mean. In this sequel, Josh comes off as more of a troublemaker or bully, I wasn't particularly fond of him teasing an animal that he held captive in a cage, or continually referring to his cadets as "dumb nimbuses." It's a little too close to another insult for my liking.
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